Dašić, D., Kostadinović, G., & Stanković, M. (2023). Ethical aspects of science and technological innovations, International
Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 11(2), 343-350.
and Stevanović, 2011). The question is rightly raised whether the progress of science leads to progress
or regression of humanity. The rst scientic-technological revolution led to a decrease in the number of
employees, because they were replaced by machines, while the current scientic-technological revolution,
almost certainly, will deprive people of the ability to think.
One of the most famous Serbian writers of the 20
century, Borislav Pekić, has long warned
about the problematic nature of articial intelligence, more precisely about the problem of developing
its emotionality. He divided science into black and white - permissible and impermissible science. White
science refers to everything exact and true in science, which does not engage in dangerous, uncertain
and staged experiments, aimed primarily at the well-being of man.
Corporate scientism, which has abandoned the aim of service to man and mankind and has put itself
at the service of prot without regard for means or methods, is what we refer to as “black science.” Today,
unethical and unscrupulous lobbying permeates practically everything. The Nobel Prize has become
worthless to many, and several Scandinavian activists led a criminal investigation against committee
members for disrespecting its founder’s legacy after the peace prizes were awarded to Obama, Chinese
dissident Liu Xiaobo and the European Union. After only nine months in ofce as US president, at a
time when the US was engaged in two wars - in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as during increased drone
attacks in Pakistan and Yemen, Obama was awarded the world peace prize “for outstanding efforts” in
order to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between nations. Recently, huge amounts
of money have poured into American institutes, whose “unbiased studies” increasingly coincide with the
interests of foreign donors. One such example is the Center for Global Development, which received
a large sum of money from Norway to inuence the US to double foreign aid, praise its prime minister
and nominate him as the next head of the NATO alliance. Another example is the Japanese, who also
donated over 1.1 million euros to publish studies concluding that the US should negotiate a free trade
agreement with Japan. These are academic groups that present themselves to US ofcials as “objective”
organizations, “untainted” by interests, and often their studies carry more weight than the persuasion of
proven lobbyists, interest groups or lawyers.
Scientists frequently run into issues that are brought on by “various power centers, important people,
politicians, strong social institutions, and the like” (Vučković, 2022). We may use the dominant worldwide
pharmaceutical industry as an example, which invests much in science, research, and the development
of new drugs but is also the target of countless rumors of unethical behavior and immoral acts (Dašić,
Tošić and Deletić, 2020). Investment experts anticipate that the American biotech company Moderna,
the German biotech company Biontech, and their joint venture partner, the American pharmaceutical
behemoth Pzer, will generate billions of dollars in revenue in 2019. The Moderna vaccine’s development
is said to have cost roughly $ 2.5 billion in total, with the consensus being that “American taxpayers
funded for 100% of that development. Support for the Moderna vaccine, which according to testing is
94.5% effective, comes from a number of organizations, including Emory University, Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, and the Dolly Parton Research Fund. “All vaccine-related transactions are covered in
secrecy, and businesses and government agencies are protecting their right to privacy” (Clouse, 2021).
Drug companies have been reluctant to discuss the price of a single dosage of a vaccine, despite the fact
that the government has committed billions of dollars in its development.
Military innovations signicantly lower people’s quality of life. The majority of them are instruments
for mass destruction of both people and objects. Biological weapons have been developed using bacteria
that cause diseases including anthrax, smallpox, and biotoxins. Additionally, brand-new biological
weapons are being created, principally using the most recent genetic engineering and genetics expertise.
Many scientists’ consciences were deeply affected by the development of the atomic bomb because of
the suffering that resulted from its deployment at the conclusion of the Second World War. Following that,
a number of ideas for the peaceful use of atomic energy emerged, which caused millions of people to
become wealthy and, as a result, feel less guilty. This method is still utilized today, thus space exploration
is done in conjunction with military objectives by installing strong military satellites that, aside from being
used for more effective and faster global communication, are primarily used to wage war and commit
The link between man and nature, or their life interconnectivity and conditioning, has been a
continuous companion of human history since human life is a part of the natural cycle of life and production
is the taking and processing of natural materials to fulll human needs. “Man’s impact on environment,
however, takes on a distinct character in pre-industrial civilization, which is dominated by agriculture,
cattle, and crafts” (Marinković, Marinković and Stefanović, 2013). With his manufacturing and other
actions, man has an impact on and modies nature. But these modications are only made locally, just in
the areas where people construct their homes or harvest natural resources for their personal purposes.