Self-Confidence in Metacognitive Processes in L2 Learning
gifted, self-confidence, meta-cognition, self-regulated motivation, L2 languageAbstract
The study aims to identify the role of self-confidence, meta-cognition, personality traits, and motivation (predictive variables) as factors of success in second language (L2) learning. It is assumed that there is a high correlation between the observed variables in the meta-cognitive process, which distinguishes academically gifted students from regular students, and that self-confidence is an autonomous factor of success and has a significant role in the self-regulated motivation of gifted students. The results on the Language Proficiency Test are a criterion variable, while gender, residence in the country of the native speaker, duration of L2 learning, and average grade in studies are moderator variables. The sample is convenient, and consists of 460 students from the University of Novi Sad and the University of Belgrade. The research was carried out using a quantitative approach and a method of systematic non-experimental observation. The following instruments are used: the Big Five Personality Traits Questionnaire, the Meta-cognitive Awareness Inventory, the Memory and Reasoning Competence Inventory, the English Language Motivation Questionnaire, the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, and the L2 Proficiency Test. The main findings confirmed the hypothesis of a high correlation between the observed variables in the meta-cognitive process that distinguishes academically gifted students from regular students, as well as that self-confidence is an autonomous factor of success and plays an important role in the self-regulated motivation of the gifted. This confirms the significance of self-confidence in self-regulation and provides an indirect role in L2 learning achievements. Students should be aware of meta-cognitive processes and try to self-regulate their knowledge and learning strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aleksandra Gojkov-Rajić, Jelisaveta Šafranj, Dragana Gak

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2022-12-31
Published 2023-04-20