Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Support, and Their School and Life Satisfaction Before and After The COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID–19, life satisfaction, school satisfaction, teacher supportAbstract
In an attempt to examine the extent to which the COVID-19 pandemic affected the lives of primary school students, a longitudinal study was conducted focused on students’ school satisfaction and life satisfaction, and their perception of the support provided by their teachers. The study was conducted in two waves, within the period of two years – the first one before the pandemic, and the second one upon its end, that is, when the students returned to classes in school. The study encompassed 548 students in total, attending third to eighth grades of primary school in the Republic of Croatia. 267 students participated in both waves of the study. The quantitative approach was applied. The results revealed statistically significant differences in students’ perception of teacher support, and the level of their school satisfaction and life satisfaction. Students seem to have been more satisfied with school, life and teacher support before the pandemic. An additional analysis of the differences between generations of students (2019 and 2021) was conducted. Although the younger generation seem to give a lower rating to all the examined variables, in comparison to the generation of 2019, the results reveal statistically significant differences only in life satisfaction (grades 4, 5 and 7) and teacher support (grades 5 and 6). The limitations of the study, as well as implications for future research and educational practice are discussed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tomislava Vidić, Marina Đuranović, Irena Klasnić

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Accepted 2023-04-05
Published 2023-04-20