Personal Predictors of Online Teaching - Experiences of The Teachers in Serbia in The Covid Regime
online teaching, Covid-19, cognitive competence, affective competence, organizational and technical supportAbstract
The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus initiated a rapid organizational transformation of teaching at all levels of education and its implementation in a virtual environment. In this context, teachers’ perceptions of the predictors of online teaching largely determined the quality of its current implementation, but also the character of its further application in the future. Using the survey method, research was carried out with the aim of examining the attitudes of teachers in Serbia about personal predictors of online teaching and their determinants, in the past two school years. Personal predictors of online teaching are operationalized through the cognitive and affective competence of the teachers, as well as through organizational and technical support. Six hundred and seven teachers, who teach in the first three cycles of education, from all districts of the Republic of Serbia, participated in the research. Regarding all personal predictors considered, teachers evaluate cognitive competence as the most important predictor of the implementation of online teaching, then affective competence and finally, organizational and technical support. As the results of the research suggest, a significant influence of the dominant online experience, of the applied online platform, work experience and educational cycle on teachers’ perceptions of affective competence as a predictor of online teaching were determined, while the perceptions of organizational and technical support were significantly influenced by the place where the school was located and the applied online platforms. The obtained results may have implications for pedagogical practice and professional development of teachers in terms of consideration and awareness of the role of various personal predictors required for the successful use of modern educational technology.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Marina Semiz, Danijela Vasilijević, Žana Bojović

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-04-10
Published 2023-04-20