Empowering Preservice Teachers in Kazakhstan for Linguistic and Cultural Competence Through Technology-Integrated Learning





Preservice teachers, linguistic competence, cultural competence, technology-integrated learning, empowerment


The main purpose of this research is to promote language and cultural learning among novice teachers in Kazakhstan through the implementation of technology-oriented learning strategies. To assess the success of this strategy, a primary survey methodology combined with a quantitative research methodology was used. In the process of data collection, I distributed the survey instrument to a sample of 105 individuals, including 65 males and 40 females. Next, the gathered data were analyzed by SPSS, the software that was used for descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and ANOVA. This research was designed to identify the complicated connections between the introduction of technology and the language and cultural skills of preservice teachers. The significance of this study for educational practice in Kazakhstan cannot be overestimated. They promote the involvement of technology-based strategies as a source of fostering educational spaces that are more open and culturally relevant.


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How to Cite

Abdraimova, B., & Dyankova, G. (2024). Empowering Preservice Teachers in Kazakhstan for Linguistic and Cultural Competence Through Technology-Integrated Learning. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 12(2), 273–282. https://doi.org/10.23947/2334-8496-2024-12-2-273-282



Received 2024-04-04
Accepted 2024-06-21
Published 2024-08-31