Effectiveness of Ethnoecological-STEM Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Critical Thinking Skills, Creativity, and Science Concept Mastery
Project-based learning, ethnoecological-stem, science concept mastery, critical thinking skills, creativityAbstract
Students’ ability to master critical thinking skills and creativity is often found in current learning. This research aims to test the effectiveness of the Ethnoecological-Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics based on Project Based Learning (E-STEM PjBL) learning model in improving mastery of science concepts and critical thinking skills as well as the creativity of prospective science teachers. This model is an innovative project-based learning model integrated with Ethnoecology-STEM in the Environmental Physics course with a project on the use of water hyacinth with the following syntax: Learn, Discuss, Perform, Elaborate, Convey, Practice, Evaluate, and Use. The research method used was quasi-experimental with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The research subjects were 31 science education students at Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. Data collection techniques use test instruments and observation sheets. The instrument was validated empirically by four experts and analyzed using Aiken’s V formula. Data was analyzed using SPSS on concept mastery test data with the Paired-Sample t-test, and critical thinking skills test data with the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The average N-Gain value is obtained for each data point, while the creativity data is the average creativity of two observers. The research results showed a significant and quite effective increase in science concepts mastery, critical thinking skills, and creativity in the good and very good categories. This research concludes that the application of the E-STEM PjBL model is effective in increasing mastery of science concepts, critical thinking skills, and creativity of prospective science teachers.
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Accepted 2024-10-26
Published 2024-12-30