The Implementation of Environmental Topics in the First Cycle of Primary Education from the Teachers’ Perspective




environmental education, environmental topics, environmental awareness, teacher, student


This paper presents the findings of a study aimed at exploring teachers’ perspectives on environmental education for students in the first to fourth grades of primary school. The issue of environmental education for primary school students has gained significant attention in recent decades and is now seen as an educational necessity. The study’s objectives focus on understanding teachers’ views on the importance of teaching environmental topics in the first cycle of primary education and evaluating the school’s ability to support such teaching. The research was conducted through a survey involving 455 teachers from thirty-five primary schools across eight cities in the Republic of Serbia, using a questionnaire designed specifically for this study. The questionnaire featured a series of questions and rating scales based on a five-point Likert scale. Although there are some differences in respondents’ opinions based on factors such as work experience, school location, and the number of environmental seminars attended, the data suggest that teachers generally have positive views on the importance of including environmental topics in the first cycle of primary education. They also express favorable opinions about the conditions necessary to achieve the goals of environmental education in their schools. Teachers recognize the importance of studying environmental topics, not only for gaining knowledge, skills, and experiences but also for fostering students’ environmental awareness. The capacity of schools to support environmental education is most strongly influenced by extracurricular activities and various educational programs. This research highlights the crucial role of primary schools in meeting the goals of environmental education and lays the groundwork for further studies in this area, particularly focusing on teachers’ professional development and the acquisition of environmental competencies.


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How to Cite

Spasić Stošić, A., Tasić Mitić, I. D., Stojadinović, A. M., & Milosavljević Đukić, T. B. (2024). The Implementation of Environmental Topics in the First Cycle of Primary Education from the Teachers’ Perspective. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 12(3), 545–559.



Received 2024-09-24
Accepted 2024-12-17
Published 2024-12-30

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