Learning Community as a Framework for the Professional Development of Preschool Teachers - Theoretical Approach and Practical Implications
preschool teacher, learning community, professional development, preschool institution, educational workAbstract
The paper addresses the importance of the professional development of preschool teachers through its positioning and action in relation to the concept of a learning community. By analyzing the literature, reviewing theoretical concepts and empirical research, the synergistic effect of the process of professional development of teachers and the concept of a learning community is determined. First of all, the benefits to which the process of professional development of teachers contributes within the learning community are determined, especially in the form of improving the educational process, professional competence and personal development of teachers, and most importantly, for the well-being of children. The aim of the paper is focused on a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical implications in the form of the influence of the learning community on the professional development of teachers, as well as the practical implications that are accordingly reflected in pedagogical practice. The above approach supports and affirms the principles of plurality and individual differences of each individual. Community is seen as a key concept within which quality and functional relationships are built, which contributes to the improvement of educational work. The proposal for the professional development of teachers within the learning community, as part of the transformation of the educational system in preschool education, is based on the belief that activities that include interaction, cooperation and exchange of knowledge and experiences contribute to more efficient results that are reflected in educational outcomes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Časlav Stoiljković, Tatjana Kompirović, Daliborka Popović

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Accepted 2024-12-22
Published 2024-12-30