
  • Irina V. Abakumova Academy of Psychology and Educational of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
  • Irina Al.Bakaeva Academy of Psychology and Educational of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
  • Karina Yu. Kolesina Institute of Languages and Literature, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don



distance learning, meaning-making, technology, competence, cognitive motivation


The research in question investigates the technologies of initiating independent activity within the framework of distance learning and their psychological aspects. The authors’ classification of educational technologies of initiating students into independent cognitive activity is presented. Such technologies utilize various psychological mechanisms of exciting students’ cognitive interest, intensifying cognitive processes, developing independent activity skills, and, as a result, increase motivation for independent activity and learning on the whole. These include such types of technologies as developmental technologies, interactive technologies, technologies of information transfer, technologies of meaning-making initiation. The research of the attitude of distance learning educators to independent activity of students and the content of the academic courses were done at Moodle-based education programs. The findings show the differences in retention rate among distance learning educators whose competence in terms of initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity varies. It’s emphasized that interactive lectures, videoconferences, audio-visual aids, interactive seminars, glossaries, interactive tests are considered the most efficient technologies in initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity. The obtained results have made it possible to stress the developmental effect of distance learning technologies and the technologies of initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity in various psychic spheres of students: cognitive, individual, emotional. We mention the changes in motivational sphere of students and their meaning-making activity. In the course of correct development of distance learning we notice the development of voluntary and nonvoluntary cognitive activity. A student starts actively participating in educational process, he becomes the creator of his own world.



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How to Cite

V. Abakumova, I., Al.Bakaeva, I., & Yu. Kolesina, K. (2016). TECHNOLOGIES OF INITIATING STUDENTS INTO INDEPENDENT (SELF-GUIDED) ACTIVITY IN SUPPLEMENTARY DISTANCE LEARNING. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 4(2), 1–7.

