Field Dependence / Field Independence as a Factor of Financial Decision Making With Varying Degrees of Risk Among Students
decision-making, risk, field dependence / field independence, oculomotor activityAbstract
Currently, a new interdisciplinary field of research – financial behaviour-is rapidly developing. Psychological characteristics of the subject of financial behaviour can have a significant impact on the decision-making process in this field. Cognitive style, as an individual way of processing the information perceived by the subject, is one of the factors determining such procedural features of financial decision-making as: the time spent on decision – making, the speed of decision-making, the emotional state of the individual during decision-making, the nature of perceptual information processing (especially oculomotor activity), as well as the type of decision strategy - rational, irrational or marginal.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Tatiana Belykh , Zinchenko Ekaterina Mikhailovna
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2020-12-10
Published 2020-12-21