


certain aspects of the educational function, Delphi method, educational outcomes, family, family functions, family relationship, parenting


A number of recent studies found the link between the quality of family functioning, welfare and children’s achievement. In the absence of longitudinal studies on the quality of family functioning in Croatia, the expert opinion on family functions and the educational aspects of family life was explored. The data was obtained by classic Delphi method, in three cycles. Anonymous discussion was accepted as a quality manner of idea generating and analysis. Socio-emotional and upbringing functions have been singled out as the most significant permanent family functions, while the educational function is gradually taken over by the society. The expert opinion on family functions and the educational aspects of family life in Croatia was explored. The development of self-esteem and self-respect in children has been identified as the most important aspect of the upbringing function of family. It is assumed that the quality of growing up is related to growing up in families with family functioning. Research participants anticipate further changes in the family structure and the way that family functions. There was no consensus on the unambiguous definition of the family as a concept. There was no statistically significant difference between the opinions of the research participants on the importance of individual family functions in the modern society, and the predictors of the quality of family life. Due to the long-term economic crisis, there is a justified concern about the quality of parenting and, subsequently, the current and long-term welfare of children.


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How to Cite

Visković, I. ., & Ljubetić, M. . (2019). THE EXPERT OPINION ON QUALITY OF FAMILY FUNCTIONING IN CROATIA. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 7(3), 1–11.

