gifted child, creativity, personality traits, psychological characteristicAbstract
Giftedness is a multidimensional phenomenon that despite numerous studies and different approaches remains under explored. It is known that there are different views about gifted children in psychological theory and practice. Giftedness represents general intellectual ability, general creative ability, productive and creative ability, the sum of specific skills, the ability of thinking, specific area of intelligence and creativity.
Gifted child is a child who has above average skills and specific characteristics, which play an important role in the growth, development and education of these children. Researchers confirm the importance of early socialization, family and the primary teachers in the continually development of the gifted child on intellectual, social, emotional and somatic plan.
It is known that gifted child has specific characteristics and properties, such as originality, individuality, emotional stability, a high degree of intellectual capacity, independence, verbal fluency and perfectionism.
Development and manifestation of creativity in gifted children depends of their cognitive component, personality traits, motivation. Gifted child early showed a specific interest in a particular area.
This kind of child has a positive self-image, high self-esteem, self-confidence, high goals, a sense of self-worth, greater independence, which manifests across the non-conformism and initiative.
Every child deserves the special attention of parents, school and society, especially a gifted child, which is a child with special needs about their average ability and special educational needs.
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