Students Critical-Creative Thinking Skill: A Multivariate Analysis of Experiments and Gender




Critical, Creative, MSLAM Model, HOT Lab


Students’ ability to practice several thinking skills is one of the problems common in today’s learning. Therefore, this research aims to describe the improvement of students’ critical-creative thinking skills through a multivariate analysis of the experiment model and gender. The experiment models used in this research are the Multiple Skill Laboratory Activity Model (MSLAM) and Higher Order Thinking Laboratory (HOT Lab), with gender, considered as a factor influencing a successful learning process. Research method was a quasi-experiment with data obtained from 328 respondents from five different universities in Indonesia and analyzed using the multivariate tests. The results showed that the experiment model affected the learning outcomes more than genders. Furthermore, the Multiple Skill Laboratory Activity Module proved to improve students’ critical and creative thinking skills better than the Higher Order Thinking Laboratory. This study expected to provide a comparison in determining the types of suitable experiments for learning at colleges and schools.


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How to Cite

Malik, A., & Ubaidillah, M. . (2020). Students Critical-Creative Thinking Skill: A Multivariate Analysis of Experiments and Gender. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 8(Special issue), 49–58.



Received 2020-09-17
Accepted 2020-12-02
Published 2020-12-21