Partnership of Parents of Children who Need Additional Support in Learning and Preschool Teachers in Preschool Institutions from the Perspective of the Integrated Approach to Learning




kindergarten activities, music, educational activities, interdisciplinary team, pedagogical competencies of parents


This research focuses on the collaboration between preschool teachers and parents of children who need additional support in learning in kindergarten through the prism of the integrated approach to learning. The research was based on a general assumption that the success of the cooperation between preschool teachers and parents of children who need additional support in learning is inconsistent and with varying efficacy. The research was conducted in the 2019/2020 school year, on a sample group of 52 preschool teachers. The data collected by the Scaler Family involvement questionnaire (alfa = .086) were analysed using descriptive statistics that showed that there are significant differences in preschool teachers’ assessment of mutual information sharing and activities of parents within the family, while there are none regarding parents’ participation in kindergarten activities. The results of the research are presented in the form of the conclusion, with pedagogical implications provided alongside.


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How to Cite

Jeremić, B., Milenović, Živorad, Petrović, J., & Markov, Z. (2022). Partnership of Parents of Children who Need Additional Support in Learning and Preschool Teachers in Preschool Institutions from the Perspective of the Integrated Approach to Learning. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 10(1), 29–34.



Received 2022-03-01
Accepted 2022-04-07
Published 2022-04-20