Consideration of the Basic Competencies of a Preschool Teacher in Curriculum Modernization
pedagogical technologies, professional competences of the teacher, methodological competence, preschool educationAbstract
The work deals with an important aspect of teacher training — the formation of competence in the field of technologization of the pedagogical process. An updated theoretical model of a holistic pedagogical process is presented, which is the basis for coverage of the criteria for the formation of abilities for the constructive and systematic introduction of technologies into pre-school education. The author’s questionnaire The Scale of Self-Assessment of Pedagogical Abilities for the Technologization of the Pedagogical Process was presented. The article provides the results of its testing on a sample of a total of 412 respondents, including 170 preschool teachers with work experience from 1 to 25 years, 200 — students-future teachers, 42 - PEF coordinators. Based on the comparison of samples of teachers with different work experience, it describes how the nature of professional activity determines the specific structure of competences in the field of TPP. The experiment was a part of research; authors showed the conditions for the implementation of a special curriculum, which helps effectively prepare teachers for the use of modern educational technologies.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 Rakhila Zh. Aubakirova, Gulbanu A. Kabzhanova, Oxana G. Вelenko, Nelli Yu. Pigovayeva, Alyona A. Kostyunina

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2021-02-09
Published 2021-04-20