Preschool Teachers’ Professional Training in the Field of Inclusive Education in The North of Kosovo and Metohija
inclusive education, professional training, preschool institution, competencesAbstract
The issue of inclusive education is focused on providing the high quality education for all learners through the process of introducing the changes concerning the educational approach and the modification of educational content depending on the learners’ individual needs for additional support. The analyses of inclusive policies and inclusive practice in Europe indicate that the characteristics of social context significantly impact the development of inclusive practice. Self-assessment for professional training is a vital condition for enhancing competences through continuous learning and reflexive practice with the aim of achieving the final learning outcomes of all pupils. The aim of the research was also to determine the dominance of certain ways of training within the regular professional training, in regard to the quality and availability of education and support for work that can be provided by the preschool institution where these teachers are employed. The sample comprises of 130 preschool teachers of the following preschool institutions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Taking into account the results of the conducted research, the respondents outlined as the most useful findings and skills that are necessary for working with children with disabilities the following ones: the identification of characteristics of certain difficulties among children, the adjustment of methods, ways of teaching, materials and space to working with children who need additional educational support, the creation of individual educational plan for a child who needs additional educational support and communication skills for working with parents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Tatjana Kompirović, Daliborka Popović, Tatjana Radojević, Andrijana Biševac

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Accepted 2023-04-12
Published 2023-04-20